Take Action Today

Your voice matters in Santee. Join your fellow citizens in protecting our democratic institutions through these important actions.

Write to Congress

Send a personalized message to your representative using our guided template system. Takes less than 5 minutes.

Call Your Representative

5Calls is a nonrofit that makes it easy to call your representatives. Make your voice heard directly by calling your representatives.

Attend City Council

Join us at Santee City Council meetings to show support and speak up for accountability.

Amplify Our Message

Help build momentum by engaging your community in this important conversation.

Host a Discussion

Lead a community conversation about constitutional accountability. We provide discussion guides, materials, and support.

Get the Host Guide

Share on Social Media

Share our carefully crafted message with your network. Every share helps build awareness.

Stay Informed

Get updates on important developments and upcoming actions. We'll keep you informed about ways to make your voice heard.

Join Our Mailing List

Get updates about local events, action items, and ways to make a difference in Santee.

Our Growing Impact

Together, we're building momentum for accountability and constitutional integrity.

Letters Sent
Calls Made
Events Held